
Market Place from Market Street corner looking east



From the c.1950 photograph (looking south-west) and the c.1910 view looking in the other direction, it is possible to see how this parade once looked. For information on Nos.33 and 34 click here. In the 1890s, No.35 was Samuel White the grocer who in 1912 moved to No. 28, later No.35 became Burgess sweet shop, by 1950 it was again a grocers, H. S. Lane. Later, it became a wool shop run by Mr and Mrs Green. They then moved to 9 Newgate Street where they continued to sell ladies clothes and also opened Bingham’s public library. No.36, Bell’s second hand furniture, 37, Fish and Chip shop then Adbeys electrical shop, 38, Mr Bloer fruit and vegetables then Evelyn Shepperson – Dry cleaning agent and 39, Tony Snowdon fruit, vegetable, fowl and second hand furniture. The building at the end of the block had its entrance on the corner of the building. In living memory, this has served as a hairdressers, a sweet shop and Gas Board showroom.

While not claiming that these humble buildings exhibit any great architectural merit, they at least had more character than the block that replaced them.

This viewpoints combined with other pictures looking south-east, or north-east, and west give a nearly complete 360 degree panorama of the changes that have occurred around the Buttercross over the past 100 years. In all these c.1900 views, the Market Place looks more spacious without the parked cars and street furniture.

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